Oil Leaks and Turbochargers: Why Regular Maintenance Matters for Audi Owners

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Your Stress-Free Auto Repair Alternative

When you own an Audi, you get to experience luxury, cutting-edge technology and performance. However, this has a price in the form of timely preventative maintenance. Skipping preventative maintenance can result in a world of trouble for vehicles that have turbochargers, and the heart of Audi’s performance is its turbocharger. The turbo provides a lot of efficient power and makes the Audi a high-performance vehicle. Motoring Specialists Inc. in Vacaville, CA has technicians who are experienced in Audi turbocharger issues, Audi repair and maintenance, and oil leaks.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Timely and regular maintenance is the best way to address oil leaks in your Audi. When you bring your vehicle to Motoring Specialists Inc., we check for oil leaks at every appointment. When we catch oil leaks in their early stages, it prevents expensive Audi repair bills. To keep your Audi in the best condition, you can take several actions, including:

  • Oil Change: Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil changes. Use the recommended high-quality oil and always change the filter with an OEM filter or another brand that is a high-quality filter.
  • Inspection and Diagnostics: When you choose Motoring Specialists Inc. for your preventative maintenance, you can rest assured that we always do an inspection for oil leaks, other fluid leaks and other issues that may need Audi repair.
  • Gasket Maintenance: Gaskets are a prime cause of oil leaks. Keeping the valve cover gaskets and other gaskets in good condition means less chance of an oil leak. In most cases, there’s no way to tell if a gasket is failing until you see an oil leak. When you bring your Audi in for preventative maintenance, we thoroughly inspect areas around gaskets, so we have a chance of catching an oil leak early.
  • Clean the Turbocharger: If you suspect the turbo is accumulating oil deposits, ask Audi repair specialists at Motoring Specialists Inc. to clean it.
  • Address Issues Promptly: If you notice oil leaks or other issues, contact Motoring Specialists Inc. as quickly as possible for an appointment. When you take care of issues when they are small, you can prevent them from escalating and damaging other components.

Signs of Turbocharger Trouble

Some of the signs of trouble include decreased performance, excessive exhaust smoke, strange noises and dashboard warning lights. If you even suspect something is not right, contact the shop – it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Issues that can affect an Audi’s turbocharger include:

  • Lubrication Issues: Oil leaks can cause inadequate lubrication to the turbocharger, which causes premature wear or malfunction. Turbos have bearings that require enough oil to move freely.
  • Oil Feed Line Leaks: A feed line feeds the oil to the turbocharger. Seal leaks can cause damage or excessive turbocharger wear. Additionally, if the feed line leaks, the turbo won’t have enough oil pressure, which causes degraded operation.
  • Degraded Performance: If oil enters the exhaust because of an oil leak, it produces smoke and can damage other components, including the catalytic converter. Additionally, under-lubrication causes the turbo charger’s performance to degrade.
  • Contaminants: Oil leaks can also introduce contaminants into the turbocharger, which could clog oil passages and damage the unit.
  • Heat Management Issues: A turbocharger makes a ton of heat. Oil leaks in or near them could lead to cooling issues or even a risk of fire. If nearby components are exposed to excessive heat, they could also fail.
  • Environmental and Safety Concerns: A turbocharger that is failing due to oil leaks can cause excessive exhaust smoke.

Contact Motoring Specialists Inc.

Whether you need vehicle repair or maintenance, you can count on Motoring Specialists Inc. to offer a stress-free alternative from the dealership or other shops. Contact us at (707) 448-1282 for an appointment or just stop by. We are located at 742 E. Main St., Vacaville CA 95688.